New students must complete the Adult Day School Registration Form and upload a piece of Photo ID before selecting courses. Your course selection will not be accepted until you fill out the Adult Day School Registration Form.
New students complete the Registration Form:
Adult Day School Registration Form
For help selecting your courses or if you cannot find a course that you need, book a Guidance or PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) appointment by email or call 905-438-0570.
In-person final exams are mandatory for all college (C) and university/college (M) courses.
Course Descriptions
Semester 1 (September 3 - October 28)
Period 1 (8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.)
- English 11: Contemporary First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Voices - College (NBE3C)
- Foundations for College Math 12 (MAP4C)
- Biology 11 College (SBI3C)
- Fast Track Program (GLE3O)
Period 2 (11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.)
- English 12 College (ENG4C)
- Foundations for College Math 11 (MBF3C)
- Understanding Canadian Law 11 College/University (CLU3M)
- Fast Track Program (GLE4O)
Period 3 (2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
- Ontario Literacy Course - English for the Workplace (OLC4O)
- Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life 11 Workplace (MEL3E)
- Foundations for College Math 12 (MAP4C)
- Chemistry 12 College (SCH4C)
- Fast Track Program (GLS4O)
Semester 2 (October 29 - December 20)
Period 1 (8:30 am - 11:00 am)
- Ontario Literacy Course - English for the Workplace (OLC4O)
- Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life 11 Workplace (MEL3E)
- Foundations for College Math 12 (MAP4C)
- Chemistry 12 College (SCH4C)
Period 2 (11:00 am - 1:30 pm)
- English 11: Contemporary First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Voices - College (NBE3C)
- Foundations for College Math 12 (MAP4C)
- Biology 11 College (SBI3C)
Period 3 (2:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
- English 12 College (ENG4C)
- Foundations for College Math 11 (MBF3C)
- Understanding Canadian Law 11 College/University (CLU3M)
Stress, Wellness and Nutrition - Adult Dual Credit Program (must see Guidance/PLAR assessor for approval)
Semester 3 (January 6 - February 28)
Period 1 (8:30 am - 11:00 am)
- English 12 College (ENG4C)
- Foundations for College Math 11 (MBF3C)
Period 2 (11:00 am - 1:30 pm)
- Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life 11 Workplace (MEL3E)
- Foundations for College Math 12 (MAP4C)
- Chemistry 12 College (SCH4C)
Period 3 (2:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
- English 11: Contemporary First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Voices - College (NBE3C)
- Foundations for College Math 12 (MAP4C)
- Biology 11 College (SBI3C)
Other Courses (Virtual) - Continuous Intake
- Understanding Canadian Law 11 College/University (CLU3M)
- Living and Working with Children 11 College (HPW3C)
- Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life 11 Workplace (MEL3E)
- Ontario Literacy Course 12 Open (OLC4O)
- Health for Life 11 College (PPZ3C)
- Health Care, 10 Open (TPJ2O)
Semester 4 (March 3 - May 5)
Period 1 (8:30 am - 11:00 am)
- English 11: Contemporary First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Voices - College (NBE3C)
- Foundations for College Math 12 (MAP4C)
- Chemistry 12 College (SCH4C)
Period 2 (11:00 am - 1:30 pm)
- English 12 College (ENG4C)
- Foundations for College Math 11 (MBF3C)
Period 3 (2:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
- English 11: Contemporary First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Voices - College (NBE3C)
- English 12 College (ENG4C)
- Foundations for College Math 12 (MAP4C)
- Biology 11 College (SBI3C)
Other Courses (Virtual) - Continuous Intake
- Understanding Canadian Law 11 College/University (CLU3M)
- Living and Working with Children 11 College (HPW3C)
- Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life 11 Workplace (MEL3E)
- Ontario Literacy Course 12 Open (OLC4O)
- Health for Life 11 College (PPZ3C)
- Health Care, 10 Open (TPJ2O)
Semester 5 (May 6 - June 27)
Period 1 (8:30 am - 11:00 am)
- Foundations for College Math 12 (MAP4C)
- English 12 College (ENG4C)
- Chemistry 12 College (SCH4C)
Period 2 (11:00 am - 1:30 pm)
- English 11: Contemporary First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Voices - College (NBE3C)
- Foundations for College Math 12 (MAP4C)
Period 3 (2:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
- English 12 College (ENG4C)
- Foundations for College Math 11 (MBF3C)
- Biology 11 College (SBI3C)
Adult Dual Credit Program - must see Guidance/PLAR assessor for approval
Other Courses (Virtual) - Continuous Intake
- Understanding Canadian Law 11 College/University (CLU3M)
- Living and Working with Children 11 College (HPW3C)
- Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life 11 Workplace (MEL3E)
- Ontario Literacy Course 12 Open (OLC4O)
- Health for Life 11 College (PPZ3C)
- Health Care, 10 Open (TPJ2O)