Summer Cooperative Education Information and Application

* Cooperative Education is dependent upon the availability of placements.  

What is Cooperative Education (Co-op)?

Co-op is a unique program that integrates academic study with practical workplace experience. Co-op gives students the opportunity to earn high school credits toward their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The program is a partnership among the student, the school, the teacher and the employer.

How does a summer Co-op placement work?

Students are in co-op during the month of July and the beginning of August. The timelines for the Co-op program will be confirmed by a Cooperative Education teacher. Each student will have a Learning Plan outlining the demonstrations of learning at the placement.  Placements must be in person.  

2025 Summer School Co-op information:

**Classroom sessions will be offered in-person 

  • Sessions BEFORE the start of the work placement:
          Dates: July 2 and 3
          Time: 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
          Location: All Saints CSS - Whitby

  • Sessions AFTER the work placement begins:
           The Cooperative Education teacher will provide dates.

  • Work Placement (co-op placements, pending availability)
            July 4 - August 7, 2025
            The hours of work at the placement will vary depending on the number of credits a student
            is earning.  

Applying for Co-op:

Durham Catholic DSB students: the application is available in your school's guidance office.  ** Both the summer school registration form and co-op application must be submitted together.

Non-DCDSB students: Current secondary school students who are not registered in a DCDSB school must ask their Guidance Counsellor for a transcript or credit history that is stamped with the school address and signed by the Guidance Counsellor for approval to take a summer school course.  This must be attached to complete the registration process.  Due to high demand for cooperative education, we are only accepting applications for students in the Durham Region. 

You must also submit the Cooperative Education Application to

Cooperative Education Application - available March 26, 2025

Program Details - available March 26, 2025
WSIB Coverage

Unpaid Co-op students are covered through a policy taken out by the Ministry of Education. For this coverage to be in place, the Work Education Agreement (WEA) form must be signed by all parties before the student begins work. Student Accident Insurance is also available to all students, but such insurance is optional and is paid for by the student.

When is the summer Co-op student monitored by the teacher?

The Co-op teacher monitors the student's progress regularly throughout the training period. The goal is to ensure that a mutually beneficial partnership is maintained between the workplace supervisor, the teacher and the student.

How is student attendance monitored? 

Summer Co-op students are responsible for calling the workplace supervisor and the Co-op teacher if they will be late or absent from the workplace. The teacher maintains records along with the weekly student logs. If the student is frequently absent or late, the workplace supervisor should remind the student of the company's policy and discuss the situation with the Co-op teacher. The student may not be able to participate in a placement experience if satisfactory improvement is not demonstrated.  Students who miss more than 2 days of placement may be removed from the program.

What hours does the summer student work?

The Cooperative Education teacher will provide a calendar that outlines the specific days and hours that students can work. Most students in a summer Co-op program work a full day to earn two Cooperative Education credits. Once the placement begins, students should not work after the times specified on the Work Education Agreement (WEA) form. If students are employed after their Co-op work placement hours and they are being paid, the employer will be responsible for the WSIB coverage during those hours. The Ministry of Education provides WSIB coverage for students in unpaid Co-op placements for the hours specified in the Work Education Agreement (WEA) form.

Student Placement

Student placements must be approved in advance by the summer school cooperative education teacher.  Students should not have worked or been a co-op student in the placement previously.  Placements must be in the Durham Region.