Accelerated Summer Courses

Registration for Summer 2025

  1. Durham Catholic DSB students - contact your school's guidance office to obtain a summer school registration form.  R
  2. Non Durham Catholic DSB students  - Current secondary school students who are not registered in a DCDSB school must see their Guidance Counsellor for approval and registration through PRISM.
  3. Adult students - email with your first and last name and course request.  If you are not a current student at Archbishop Anthony Meagher CCEC, you must attach a transcript or credit history to enrol.

Accelerated courses are for students who are currently in Grade 9 to Grade 12.  If you are a Grade 8 student and will be attending a DCDSB secondary school in the fall, check out our Grade 8 Reach Ahead Credit offerings.

Accelerated Courses: In-Person
July 2 - 25, 2025

Time: 8:30 am - 2:37 pm

Accelerated Courses - In-person Course Code
Math 9 (current DCDSB secondary students only) - All Saints CSS MTH1W
Foundations of Mathematics, Applied - All Saints CSS MFM2P
Technology and the Skilled Trades 10 - All Saints CSS TAS2O

Accelerated Courses: eLearning 

Note: Students must be in Canada for duration of course as VPN will not be supported for those outside the country.

July 2 - 25, 2025

Accelerated Courses - Online Course Code
English 9 Destreamed ENL1W 
Science 9 Destreamed SNC1W
Health Care and the Skilled Trades, Open TPJ2O
Civics 10 (July 2-14 or July 15-25)  
Careers 10 (July 2-14 or July 15-25)  
Civics 10 - French Immersion (July 2-14) CHV2OF
Careers 10 - French Immersion (July 15 - 25) GLC2OF
English 10 - Academic  
Principles of Math 10 - Academic  
Science 10 - Academic 
English 11: Contemporary Aboriginal Voices - College  
English 11: Contemporary Aboriginal Voices - University  
World Religions 11 - College/University HRT3M 
Foundations of College Math 11  
Functions & Applications 11 - College/University MCF3M
Functions & Relations 11 - University  
Biology 11 - College  
Biology 11 - University  SBI3U
Chemistry 11 - University  
Physics 11 - University SPH3U
Business Leadership 12 - College/University  
English 12 - College  
*English 12 - University  
Families in Canada 12 - University  
Religion 12 - College/University HRE4M
Foundations for College Math 12  
Calculus & Vectors 12 - University 
Data Management 12 - University  
Advanced Functions - University  
Ontario Literacy Course 12 - Open  
Biology 12 - University SBI4U 
Chemistry 12 - University SCH4U
Chemistry 12 - College  
Physics 12 - University SPH4U
Physics 12 - College SPH4C 
* It is recommended that students have achieved a minimum of 75% in NBE3U or ENG3U prior to registering for ENG4U due to the volume of work within the compressed time frame.

Accelerated Courses: eLearning - Session 2 

Note: Students must be in Canada for duration of course as VPN will not be supported for those outside the country.

July 28 - August 21, 2025


Accelerated Courses - Online Course Code
Civics (July 28 - August 8) CHV2O
Careers (August 11 - August 21) GLC2O
*English, University ENG4U

* It is recommended that students have achieved a minimum of 75% in NBE3U or ENG3U prior to registering for ENG4U due to the volume of work within the compressed time frame.


  • There are no activity fees for summer courses.
  • Students may register for one accelerated course only.  If a student is registered in an accelerated course in the summer, they cannot take another program in July (for example, they cannot take a credit recovery course and accelerated course).
  • Students are expected to attend on a daily basis and meet all deadlines.

*Online Student Orientation Session for students taking eLearning courses -
Wednesday, July 2, 2025* 

Students will be contacted by their teacher for start-up details.



  • Students are required to provide a current email address.
  • Students may register for one accelerated course only.
  • Students must be in Canada for duration of course as VPN will not be supported for those outside the country.
  • Students must be available to write a final virtual exam on Thursday, July 24 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.  A web camera is required.  The Civics and Careers (CHV2O/GLC2O) classes will not have a final exam.  
  • Students working online will be expected to adhere to the standard rules of Academic Integrity and follow the Code of Conduct as expected of students in the face-to-face classroom setting.
  • Students taking an online course will be expected to log-in on a daily basis and meet all deadlines.  Students should be able to commit to working on assignments each day.  Participation of approximately 6 hours per day, Monday - Friday is highly recommended for completion of this program.
  • Flexibility of an online course allows students to access their course material from anywhere that has internet access and any time during the day or night; however, students may be offered the opportunity to participate in a discussion synchronously, to support their learning. 
  • Once students are registered and enrolled into the on-line environment, they will be able to access their courses at
  • Courses are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

**Once registered, your username and password will be emailed to you on June 30 by 4:00 pm.


If you have questions about Accelerated Summer School, please contact  or 905-438-0570.